Sunday, August 2, 2009

Digital Results

Yay! I took a digital today because it seemed like forever since Thursday when I heard my bloodwork results. It was also a mini-test to see if my hCG levels had risen. You see, the line tests I had been taking before only required 25 mIU/mL of the hormone in your pee. Since my bloodwork revealed my levels were 30, that explains the faintness of the lines on those tests -- I was barely meeting the requirements for the test to be positive.

Well, digital tests require 50 mIU/mL of the hormone in your pee. This means that on Thursday, or probably Friday even, the digital would still have been negative. I was that early pregnant when I found out! Your hormone levels are supposed to double every 48 hours (approx.) so if I was at 30 on Thursday, then by Saturday I should have been around 60 in theory, if my numbers were rising as they should. That means today, Sunday, they should have been a little higher than 60 even (of course, we're hoping for really high numbers, but this would be the minimum!)

So, if today's digital test was negative, I would have been really worried. Needless to say, it was positive and I'm elated. I'm now much more at ease as I wait to get more bloodwork done tomorrow afternoon and results Tuesday afternoon. It could still be bad news... even though the hormone has been rising so far, it could now completely stop. But we're trying our best to think positively and I'm still having some symptoms.

-Bloated (on and off - sometimes it's really bad)
-Extra gassy (and can't blame it on any particular food)
-Tired (not exhausted yet, but definitely want a nap everyday)
-Waves of dizziness/queasiness randomly throughout the day (no sickness yet)
-The feeling of twinges & pulls in my lower abdomen which I've never felt before! I've read that this is my uterus already expanding and contracting as the embryo grows - however small it may be :o)

Anyway. Tomorrow is back to work so that should be interesting to see how that affects my body. I imagine I'll be pretty exhausted and will need a big nap when I get home! As I said I'll be stopping at my doctor's office on my way home for more bloodwork.


  1. Here is some advice...relax!!! Stressing out or constantly focusing on it is not a good thing...take it from someone who tried for 18 months and then 2 rounds of fertility...relaxing is the best for all involved!!

  2. Agreed! Take it from a hypochondriac, don't stress the small stuff & its 99% small stuff! Baby can pick up on everything and doesn't need you to worry!

  3. Thanks ladies. Believe me, I've got plenty of people telling me to relax. Easier said than done, I think.... having gone through a miscarriage before, I doubt the worry will ever end. I think it's only natural and I don't feel bad about it. I'm still excited and feeling hopeful, and I know a healthy first ultrasound will minimize many of my fears and worries!
