Monday, August 3, 2009

The Waiting Game

I went to have my hCG levels tested again today. Yay... bloodwork! I know there is plenty more of that to come. :o) I am nervously awaiting the results sometime tomorrow. I have been praying hard. It's obviously out of my control but it doesn't stop me from praying that this is the right time for us to have a successful pregnancy. I know I will feel so much better if we get good numbers tomorrow. Please pray for us.

Today I had a new symptom creep up! SORE BOOBS! Lovely. I welcome it, though. Bring it on! They're very tender and achy. I'm sure they could feel worse, though. They're not super intense yet. But definitely noticeable and uncomfortable certain times throughout the day, starting with waking up this morning!

I was also FAMISHED for dinner tonight at 4:30. I got physically sick feeling in Kohls when I was buying a work top. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to eat something. I'm starting to realize I'll need to keep a snack in my purse for those moments, because on the way home I stopped and got a Whopper from Burger King! Not good. Well, it was actually really good (lol) but I know it's not good FOR me. There was no chance I was going to make it home alive if I didn't eat something.

That's all for now... tomorrow I'll post the results in the afternoon/evening once I hear from my doctor. Until then, it's just waiting.

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