Monday, August 17, 2009

Doctor Appointment Update


*Ultrasound = no pregnancy tissue left, which is good news.

*Bloodwork will come back tomorrow, hopefully reflecting hCG at zero.

*Doctor confirmed I have luteal phase defect.

*Doctor wants to wait 2 cycles before starting Clomid. She suggested Clomid or progesterone, but said Clomid was a better & more effective way to treat my issue as it actually corrects the corpus luteum rather than just supplementing it.

*She also suggested I use this time to lose a few pounds so that we have even better chances of a healthy pregnancy. I'm now excited to start a health kick since I have a good goal in mind and a good timeframe to work with.

Overall a good appointment, but a little sad I'll have to wait even longer to TTC again. She said we could start trying on our own after one cycle, but if we were wanting to do the fertility treatment, she requests 2 cycles before starting. I know it's for the best, but it still sucks. At least I have something I'm working toward in the time being.

D & I are already looking into a good weight loss system we're excited about. It will make our lives really easy and keep us focused and on track. He only needs to lose 10-15 lbs and I want to lose quite a bit more... but it'll be good we're both on the same page. :o)

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