Friday, July 31, 2009

Should be the last post until Tuesday

After this morning's test, I took another (with 2nd morning urine) and it was definitely positive. My conclusion is that my hormones are just on the cusp of being detectable on the HPTs.

I went for my hair appointment and my hairdresser was a few minutes behind, so I called my doctor's office to see if my bloodwork results were in. They were!!! Excitement and nerves flushed through me. Then they said my doctor was in a c-section surgery and she would be calling me later, since it's policy the doctors make the phone calls.

So, I got my new cute 'do (love it) and went home. I tried to kill some time. My mom came over to see my haircut. Then the phone rang... it was Dr. Anderson. She said I am definitely pregnant!! :oD

My hCG level was 30. This is low, but she said it's because I'm very early pregnant. I was 11 dpo when the test was done. According to a chart I found online, the median number for 11 dpo is 23, so 30 is actually a bit higher than the median. I am holding on to this bit of hope over the weekend while I wait anxiously to have more blood work done Monday afternoon.

My progesterone was a great score, she said. 14.7! Anything above 10 is good. So, that is a big relief.

Monday I will go back to the doctor when I get off from work and do some more bloodwork. Then I think Tuesday the results should be available. Pray for doubling numbers - good high numbers so I can rest easy at least until my first ultrasound & hopefully hearing the heartbeat.

Cautiously optimistic is what we are. I am getting excited, but trying not to let myself get too worked up about it. For now, I'm pregnant and couldn't feel more blessed.


  1. Congrats!! Will keep you guys in my thoughts & prayers.

  2. Thank you! As many prayers as you can muster up, I will be so appreciative of. :)

  3. Oh yay! I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to hear more about baby boxer! lol
