Friday, July 31, 2009

The Roller Coaster Continues

This morning... another negative test. I've only had negatives with first morning urine! Go figure! That's supposed to be the most concentrated and give you the strongest results. For me, not so much. Second morning urine and later in the afternoon is what has given me positives.

So, of course it makes me feel frantic when I see that it's negative, and makes me crazy nervous. I am 12 dpo right now, which is still early. However, I'm 3 days late. I have a short LP (9 days). The good news is, the spotting has seemed to stop. I'm really hoping the last few days of spotting was implantation spotting which would explain the very faint positives and also...well, the spotting of course.

I otherwise feel okay, nothing too weird. Perhaps a bit more tired (I've been enjoying early evening naps the last week or so). This morning I woke up feeling totally bloated and very gassy. No foods I've eaten would have contributed to this. I've been eating normal stuff and none of it has been high fiber or what normally makes you gassy - beans, etc. I laid in bed this morning just feeling all the strange sensations in my abdomen. I have no idea if they're pregnancy related, but they're sure new to me.

So I suppose I'll test in a little while and hopefully see another positive for peace of mind. Then I'll try to lay low for a couple days. I am going to call my doctor around 1:00 today to see if my results are in. If not, I have to wait until Monday. Please keep us in your prayers as this worrisome journey continues...

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