Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Holy Jeebus

I just got a positive pregnancy test.

I have been spotting for 4 days now, and my period is late. I am not sure if it's only 1 day late, or if it's 4 days late, because my charting program is unclear on whether I ovulated on Cycle Day 20 or CD 23. I am also's hard to tell.

Either way, I'm late. And this 4 days of spotting is very unlike me. I actually thought my period had come over 2 days ago when I had some bright red spotting (one time) in the evening. I put a tampon in, marked "light flow" on my chart and started a new cycle... well, that wasn't the case.

Tampon had practically nothing on it (brown) and I went back to barely spotting brown for the next 2 days. Also, my temperature has remained elevated. Today I actually had the highest temp I've had the whole cycle yet (view chart on the right, if you're interested). Our timing was most definitely right, considering we had sex every day for 15 days, LOL. And then again, twice a couple days later.

The test I took was a First Response Early Result test. It's a pink dye test with 1 or 2 lines. There are 2 lines. One is so faint, that I'm questioning it's even a positive. It's definitely there. D saw it, too. There's no squinting required, but it's incredibly faint. It could be an evaporation line, but I honestly don't think it is. It showed up 2 minutes after I took the test, rather than after the 10 minute test window or even hours later in the trash can (when evap lines often show up). Evap lines are also greyish in color, and this one definitely has a hint of pink. Again, it's so faint, it's hard to be completely sure.

I am inclined to believe it's positive only because my temp is still up, my period is still a no-show, and there were 2 lines. I will retest in the morning and hopefully the line will be stronger. I tested late this afternoon (4pm) which means my urine was more diluted and the hormone isn't as strong as your first morning urine.

Please pray for us that this is truly a positive test. And if it is, that it's a healthy, viable pregnancy, and not another one that will end in miscarriage like the last time.

It's hard to be excited, which is sad. I'm nervous, scared, and thrilled at the same time. I will call my doctor in the morning if it's positive again, to take a blood test and have them check my progesterone levels to make sure they are at a good level and that's not why I'm spotting.

OMG! Am I pregnant?!

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