Sunday, July 12, 2009


Oh lordy - what was I thinking not using OPKs this month? We have had sex 9 days in a row... geez. I have to say though, it hasn't been all that bad. ;-) But anyway. I am praying that I ovulated today which will result in a temp spike of sorts tomorrow morning.

There isn't too much to report on the TTC front right now. I have had an obscene amount of eggwhite CM this month. It's not that I feel it all day long, but at least once or twice a day I will observe definite EWCM. I never have it this much on any given cycle. I normally get it 2-3 days before O with the occasional random day of it.

This coming Friday I have my annual OB/GYN exam. I don't suspect anything special to come of it, but I do plan to show them my chart from last month and bring them my current chart, just to talk about a few things since I've never been TTC at a time when I had my annual exam scheduled. I will use my doctor to answer some questions that I would normally be googling. :o) I am concerned that my 9day LP (leutal phase - post ovulation) is too short, potentially. Hopefully she'll tell me it's not anything to worry about just yet - or maybe suggest having my progesterone levels checked (which could be possible while I'm there even, if I ovulate today). I've heard 7 dpo is the best time to check your levels but I would only be 5-6 dpo at the time. Anyway we'll see if she is even concerned with that.

All in all, things are just as usual. If planning to have a baby "on time" was ever possible (and I know it's not) this would be the perfect time, being a teacher and all. It would put me due at the end of the school year in April and I could just go on maternity leave until the summer! But God has a sense of humor, that's for sure, and doesn't like to go with "my" plans. So we'll just see what happens.

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