Friday, July 17, 2009

My annual exam

I am sort of in shock right now. It's my first annual exam where we've been actively TTC. So, I took this time to ask a few questions, show them my 2 BBT charts as well as my last few years of charts of just CM with NFP (they are hard copy, not online). I told her that I had a 9-day LP last cycle, which could very well be a fluke, as I don't have other BBT charts to compare it to yet. I also ovulated late - CD 34, and asked if this was a concern at all.

I also made sure she knew that my cycles previously had been around 31 days (give or take) so my last cycle was probably a result of being on summer vacation - lifestyle changing, not being around the same people everyday, activity level changing, etc. Anyway, I just told her/asked her everything, not really expecting much of a response other than, "give it time - it takes an average couple a year to get pregnant, keep charting and come back to see us in 6-8 months if you haven't gotten pregnant."

Well, maybe it was my miscarriage that caused her to be more, well, aggressive - I don't know... but she was very interested in having a conversation about TTC. She was so helpful! She listened to all my thoughts and concerns. She agreed testing for progesterone levels would be wise. She also wanted to set up an ultrasound in 4-6 weeks to check out my ovaries and uterus to make sure I don't have PCOS or anything phsycially hindering me from getting PG. I do realize that we've only been actively TTC for 3 months now and this is VERY fast for her to make such suggestions, but I can't say I have a problem with it!

So I go back late August to do the ultrasound. At the end, she said, "Are you happy with this plan or would you like something more aggressive?" Indifferent I was like, no, no, no, this is great, thank you!

So, I'm kind of excited that my doctor is so cool with working with me. I don't have any reason to believe I have a health issue at this point hindering us from getting pregnant in the next year, but it will be nice to know for sure one way or the other. I am also using the next 5 weeks to work harder at my exercising routine & eating healthier, because I am overweight and that can cause issues as well.

Oh, and I also had my annual exam, lol. It freakin' hurts worse every time! I've never bled from one, but I did this time! She told me I have "some strong muscles down there." I told her... I had been getting a workout. We both laughed.

I never thought I'd enjoy my time at the OB/GYN! Go figure.

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