Friday, July 31, 2009

Should be the last post until Tuesday

After this morning's test, I took another (with 2nd morning urine) and it was definitely positive. My conclusion is that my hormones are just on the cusp of being detectable on the HPTs.

I went for my hair appointment and my hairdresser was a few minutes behind, so I called my doctor's office to see if my bloodwork results were in. They were!!! Excitement and nerves flushed through me. Then they said my doctor was in a c-section surgery and she would be calling me later, since it's policy the doctors make the phone calls.

So, I got my new cute 'do (love it) and went home. I tried to kill some time. My mom came over to see my haircut. Then the phone rang... it was Dr. Anderson. She said I am definitely pregnant!! :oD

My hCG level was 30. This is low, but she said it's because I'm very early pregnant. I was 11 dpo when the test was done. According to a chart I found online, the median number for 11 dpo is 23, so 30 is actually a bit higher than the median. I am holding on to this bit of hope over the weekend while I wait anxiously to have more blood work done Monday afternoon.

My progesterone was a great score, she said. 14.7! Anything above 10 is good. So, that is a big relief.

Monday I will go back to the doctor when I get off from work and do some more bloodwork. Then I think Tuesday the results should be available. Pray for doubling numbers - good high numbers so I can rest easy at least until my first ultrasound & hopefully hearing the heartbeat.

Cautiously optimistic is what we are. I am getting excited, but trying not to let myself get too worked up about it. For now, I'm pregnant and couldn't feel more blessed.

The Roller Coaster Continues

This morning... another negative test. I've only had negatives with first morning urine! Go figure! That's supposed to be the most concentrated and give you the strongest results. For me, not so much. Second morning urine and later in the afternoon is what has given me positives.

So, of course it makes me feel frantic when I see that it's negative, and makes me crazy nervous. I am 12 dpo right now, which is still early. However, I'm 3 days late. I have a short LP (9 days). The good news is, the spotting has seemed to stop. I'm really hoping the last few days of spotting was implantation spotting which would explain the very faint positives and also...well, the spotting of course.

I otherwise feel okay, nothing too weird. Perhaps a bit more tired (I've been enjoying early evening naps the last week or so). This morning I woke up feeling totally bloated and very gassy. No foods I've eaten would have contributed to this. I've been eating normal stuff and none of it has been high fiber or what normally makes you gassy - beans, etc. I laid in bed this morning just feeling all the strange sensations in my abdomen. I have no idea if they're pregnancy related, but they're sure new to me.

So I suppose I'll test in a little while and hopefully see another positive for peace of mind. Then I'll try to lay low for a couple days. I am going to call my doctor around 1:00 today to see if my results are in. If not, I have to wait until Monday. Please keep us in your prayers as this worrisome journey continues...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Well, well, well.

What a friggin rollercoaster! The test I took this morning seemed negative to me. A light line showed up later (after the 10 min window) but I can't count that as positive.

So I went back to bed, woke up around 8:30 and took another test - positive!! The line showed up within the 3 minutes it says. Again, very faint, but still there, and pink!

I decided to call my doctor this afternoon to see what they thought I should do. She called me back and said come in right away. So, I made it there at 3pm (I had to work in my classroom today) and they drew my blood. I showed her my test from earlier this morning (which hasn't changed at all. Still looks the same way it did during the 10 minute window) and she agreed it was definitely a faint positive, as long as that was the result within the 10 minutes (which it was). It doesn't benefit me at all to lie about when the result appeared. The last thing I want is to get hyped up that I am pregnant, but not really be.

So she took my blood for hCG levels and also my progesterone levels. I can call at noon tomorrow, but she didn't think the results would be in until Monday. :o( I see a lot of testing this weekend...

But for now, I'll leave you with a picture of today's test from this afternoon. I think I got a pretty decent shot this time, and it helps that it's a wee bit darker. ;o) A line is a line! And it's pink, too. It's even clearer in's the best I could do on our camera.

Hold up

There weren't 2 lines this morning. Not sure what this means, but for now, I'm not counting myself as pregnant.

I will, however, buy another test today and try again. My temp is still high (highest yet) and still no sign of AF. Right now I'm just left confused.

PS: My test from last night is still positive, and still pink. A positive is supposed to remain for 2 days.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Holy Jeebus

I just got a positive pregnancy test.

I have been spotting for 4 days now, and my period is late. I am not sure if it's only 1 day late, or if it's 4 days late, because my charting program is unclear on whether I ovulated on Cycle Day 20 or CD 23. I am also's hard to tell.

Either way, I'm late. And this 4 days of spotting is very unlike me. I actually thought my period had come over 2 days ago when I had some bright red spotting (one time) in the evening. I put a tampon in, marked "light flow" on my chart and started a new cycle... well, that wasn't the case.

Tampon had practically nothing on it (brown) and I went back to barely spotting brown for the next 2 days. Also, my temperature has remained elevated. Today I actually had the highest temp I've had the whole cycle yet (view chart on the right, if you're interested). Our timing was most definitely right, considering we had sex every day for 15 days, LOL. And then again, twice a couple days later.

The test I took was a First Response Early Result test. It's a pink dye test with 1 or 2 lines. There are 2 lines. One is so faint, that I'm questioning it's even a positive. It's definitely there. D saw it, too. There's no squinting required, but it's incredibly faint. It could be an evaporation line, but I honestly don't think it is. It showed up 2 minutes after I took the test, rather than after the 10 minute test window or even hours later in the trash can (when evap lines often show up). Evap lines are also greyish in color, and this one definitely has a hint of pink. Again, it's so faint, it's hard to be completely sure.

I am inclined to believe it's positive only because my temp is still up, my period is still a no-show, and there were 2 lines. I will retest in the morning and hopefully the line will be stronger. I tested late this afternoon (4pm) which means my urine was more diluted and the hormone isn't as strong as your first morning urine.

Please pray for us that this is truly a positive test. And if it is, that it's a healthy, viable pregnancy, and not another one that will end in miscarriage like the last time.

It's hard to be excited, which is sad. I'm nervous, scared, and thrilled at the same time. I will call my doctor in the morning if it's positive again, to take a blood test and have them check my progesterone levels to make sure they are at a good level and that's not why I'm spotting.

OMG! Am I pregnant?!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Just Thinking

I don't think it happened this cycle. I don't know why, just a gut feeling. Right now I'm 5 days past ovulation, but I might only be 3 days past ovulation. My crosshairs might move on my chart depending on my next few temperatures that I enter. It'll either be CD 20 or CD 23. So we'll see with time.

Even though we had sex like rabbits this month, I just feel like it's not our month. Maybe I'm just becoming more realistic as time passes, which is good and bad. Good because I'm not crazy obsessive over it like I was back in April-May... bad because I should be excited and hopeful - it's only been 3 cycles! Not enough time yet to lack enthusiasm.

So we'll see if my gut feeling pans out. It would be great if I was surprised with a BFP this cycle when I'm just not expecting it. We shall see.

Friday, July 17, 2009

My annual exam

I am sort of in shock right now. It's my first annual exam where we've been actively TTC. So, I took this time to ask a few questions, show them my 2 BBT charts as well as my last few years of charts of just CM with NFP (they are hard copy, not online). I told her that I had a 9-day LP last cycle, which could very well be a fluke, as I don't have other BBT charts to compare it to yet. I also ovulated late - CD 34, and asked if this was a concern at all.

I also made sure she knew that my cycles previously had been around 31 days (give or take) so my last cycle was probably a result of being on summer vacation - lifestyle changing, not being around the same people everyday, activity level changing, etc. Anyway, I just told her/asked her everything, not really expecting much of a response other than, "give it time - it takes an average couple a year to get pregnant, keep charting and come back to see us in 6-8 months if you haven't gotten pregnant."

Well, maybe it was my miscarriage that caused her to be more, well, aggressive - I don't know... but she was very interested in having a conversation about TTC. She was so helpful! She listened to all my thoughts and concerns. She agreed testing for progesterone levels would be wise. She also wanted to set up an ultrasound in 4-6 weeks to check out my ovaries and uterus to make sure I don't have PCOS or anything phsycially hindering me from getting PG. I do realize that we've only been actively TTC for 3 months now and this is VERY fast for her to make such suggestions, but I can't say I have a problem with it!

So I go back late August to do the ultrasound. At the end, she said, "Are you happy with this plan or would you like something more aggressive?" Indifferent I was like, no, no, no, this is great, thank you!

So, I'm kind of excited that my doctor is so cool with working with me. I don't have any reason to believe I have a health issue at this point hindering us from getting pregnant in the next year, but it will be nice to know for sure one way or the other. I am also using the next 5 weeks to work harder at my exercising routine & eating healthier, because I am overweight and that can cause issues as well.

Oh, and I also had my annual exam, lol. It freakin' hurts worse every time! I've never bled from one, but I did this time! She told me I have "some strong muscles down there." I told her... I had been getting a workout. We both laughed.

I never thought I'd enjoy my time at the OB/GYN! Go figure.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Oh lordy - what was I thinking not using OPKs this month? We have had sex 9 days in a row... geez. I have to say though, it hasn't been all that bad. ;-) But anyway. I am praying that I ovulated today which will result in a temp spike of sorts tomorrow morning.

There isn't too much to report on the TTC front right now. I have had an obscene amount of eggwhite CM this month. It's not that I feel it all day long, but at least once or twice a day I will observe definite EWCM. I never have it this much on any given cycle. I normally get it 2-3 days before O with the occasional random day of it.

This coming Friday I have my annual OB/GYN exam. I don't suspect anything special to come of it, but I do plan to show them my chart from last month and bring them my current chart, just to talk about a few things since I've never been TTC at a time when I had my annual exam scheduled. I will use my doctor to answer some questions that I would normally be googling. :o) I am concerned that my 9day LP (leutal phase - post ovulation) is too short, potentially. Hopefully she'll tell me it's not anything to worry about just yet - or maybe suggest having my progesterone levels checked (which could be possible while I'm there even, if I ovulate today). I've heard 7 dpo is the best time to check your levels but I would only be 5-6 dpo at the time. Anyway we'll see if she is even concerned with that.

All in all, things are just as usual. If planning to have a baby "on time" was ever possible (and I know it's not) this would be the perfect time, being a teacher and all. It would put me due at the end of the school year in April and I could just go on maternity leave until the summer! But God has a sense of humor, that's for sure, and doesn't like to go with "my" plans. So we'll just see what happens.