The pattern you see above is for a woman who ovulates. It's pretty clear on this particular chart because there is an obvious thermal shift. The temperatures are lower on the first part of the cycle and shoot up for the second part of the cycle. The point at which the temps shift up is the point of ovulation (O). You ovulate the day before this thermal shift. If you're lucky, your temps will dip on that ovulation day as seen above. The temp goes down slightly, then shoots up. The reason it shoots up is because of the progesterone hormone that creates heat within your body. Progesterone is only present once you've O'd.
The temps stay mosty raised, with slight fluctuations. At the end of her cycle, the temp shoots back down. This is when her AF arrived. If you become pregnant, your temp should not shoot back down. It should remain elevated and sometimes even climb a little higher. These charts can give you a tremendous amount of information about your body. They can help you conceive, avoid conception, know whether or not your body ovulates at all, and can even tell you if you've become pregnant. They are very helpful!
In looking at this chart, it makes me hopeful that I ovulated on Cycle Day (CD) 14 on my chart. This is actually the day before the first temperature I recorded. The reason I feel this way is because my temperature shot up and has remained somewhat elevated. Looking at my chart, you see some color categories at the bottom. The ones you see are: CM - Cervical Mucous [this is where I record my period flow, or cervical mucous when it becomes present--some of which is considered very fertile]; BD - Baby Dance (aka SEX) you will see AM or PM there, depending on the time of day; the other categories aren't too important to me yet. I have recorded what I thought was ovulation pain on CD 16 and 19.
During my E- mucous (eggwhite - extremely fertile!) I believe I ovulated. This is just my opinion and I really have no idea with no previous temps. I am hoping it's true, because if so, we timed sex pretty well. I typically have 10 day post-ovulation phases (Leutal Phase) so if that were true, I will know in just a few days. Since I don't know if I ovulated when I think I might have, I'll wait an extra few days before testing.
Well that's my chart information for you. Hope it wasn't too overwhelming. :) I know many of you reading this are fully educated on charting, but some of you aren't. Stay tuned and watch for the different temps posted on my chart!
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